Gotta Catch'em All! is a easy room in Tryhackme which is based on the pokemon series. The objective is to get the pokemon flags.
Author | GhostlyPy |
Description | This room is based on the original Pokemon series. Can you obtain all the Pokemon in this room? |
Deploy the VM and lets go.
Let’s start with a nmap scan.
I checked the http service
and I noticed the logo for the apache2 was missing.
So, I checked the source page and found this.
I tried this credentials for the ssh service
and it worked.
Grass flag
After logging into ssh
I found a zip file in the dir /Desktop
I unzipped the file.
After reading the file inside the inflated directory I found that it is hex
I decoded it using cyberchef
That’ll give the answer to the first question.
Water flag
Following the first flag, I figured the naming pattern and just used locate
to get the flags location.
locate water-type.txt
Again, I used cyberchef
to decode the text but this time it was rot13
cipher with a key of 14.
Fire flag
Again, I used the same locate
command to get the location of the flag.
I used the command line base64
tool to decode the text.
echo "base64-content" | base64 -d
Roots flag
I had no luck with the locate
command this time. So, I manually searched through the directories. And finally, I found this file which had the password for the user ash
Then I changed the user to ash.
su ash
I found the roots flag
in the /home
Viola!! We got all the flags.
That’s it folks. Happy hacking!!!