Posts DevSecOps Pipeline - Introduction

DevSecOps Pipeline - Introduction

Its been a while since I have written any posts and a lot has happened over the past year. I learnt a lot of things and did a few projects. One of the major thing I learnt was AWS that is Amazon Web Services. There was a requirement for a project where one of the primary focus was security integrated within the CI/CD pipeline on AWS (service named AWS Pipeline).
So, in this post I’ll be giving a introduction of the DevSecOps pipeline we developed as a team and in the following posts, I’ll be walking you guys through each open-source tool that we have used to create this DevSecOps pipeline.


Cover First and foremost, lets answer the question What is a DevSecOps pipeline?

  • DevSecOps Pipeline are automated workflows in a CI/CD pipeline which are integrated with security tools that scan, test and monitor at every stage throughout the software developement lifecycle.


Here is the list of tools that are used in the pipeline:

  • CI/CD: AWS CodePipeline
  • Version Control: AWS CodeCommit
  • Secrets Scanning: GitLeaks
  • SAST(Static Application Security Testing): SonarQube
  • Container Scanning: Clair
  • DAST(Dynamic Application Security Testing): OWASP ZAP
  • IAC Scanning: Checkov
  • Infra Scanning: Nuclei
  • Centralized Vulnerability Management: DefectDojo Community edition


The Flowchart of our pipeline goes like this (referred from OWASP website): FlowChart

That’s all for the introduction of the pipeline. See you guys on the next post!!

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